Today I want to share with you the choco-talk we carried out last 7th of April. The oppotunitty to talk live about CLIL was given us by the Chococharlas team.

Chococharlas is a colaborative blog in which any person related with Education and also the society in general can participate with the only requirement of eating chocolate during the project you want to share. If you want to know more, you should follow them on twitter @chococharlas and also their hagstags: #chococharlas and #Tertuliasconsaborachocolate
Regarding the chocotalk, I was the moderator and some of my peers at the Master's degree were the speakers: Álvaro Gómez (@Alvaro_Gope), Rubén Peinado (@rpeinadog), Patricia Madrueño (@patimasie), Neus Fiol (@nepeuspu), Lola Berral (@lolaberralraya), Inmaculada Caballero (@teacher_inma), Guillermo Lagarejos (@GLHmaster) and Celia González (@celiagon92).
Moreover, other classmates were doing an mazing job in twitter before, during and after the live event. They were promoting the event, asking questions to the twitter community and also curating content to offer a good review to that people missing the event.
As you can see we are a great big team and we were connected all the time.
I had an important role since I had to be paying attention to everything that was happening at that very moment (The chocotalk itself, twitter, whatsapp...) just in case anyone wanted to ask something to the speakers but also leading the talk and try to give every person the same speaking time. So there I was with a lot of chocolate supporting me :). Nevertheless, the hard work was made by my peers who amazingly performed a really good role. They did such a great job talking about: social and emotional benefits of CLIL, advantages and disadvantages of CLIL, ICT in the classroom and the e-projects we are all still working on right now. Despite the fact that it was something that we had never done before, I think that we rocked it!
Of course, we have to give credit of our success to Maria Jesús García (@mjgsm), our ICT teacher and the person who taught us how to use Google Hangouts on Air to make the live talk online.
Just in case you missed it, you can see it here since it is published on youtube.
During this live event there was a lot of activity in twitter about our choco talk so the content curators of our History team, Ana Fuerte and Gabriela Márquez, have created a compilation of the tweets of that day using Storify.
Hope you liked it and remember: everything is better with chocolate!
Laura @LauraGonGar5
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